/manager/Index en-au 5 Additions and amendments to the rare or threatened vascular plants of Wollemi National Park, central eastern New South Wales /manager/Repository/uon:35525 Biodiversity Conservation Act 2016, shows there to be 1 Critically Endangered, 19 Endangered, 26 Vulnerable taxa and 2 Endangered Populations. For Commonwealth listed taxa under the Environment Protection and Biodiversity Conservation Act 1999, there are 1 Critically Endangered, 9 Endangered and 23 Vulnerable taxa. Sixty-one taxa are currently unrepresented within either legislation and may be considered rare, 8 taxa remain scientifically undescribed (one addition in this revision, Pultenaea 'monticola' Mt Irvine), while updated names are provided for two taxa now formally described (Eucalyptus expressa and Prostanthera stenophylla). Following assessment of all newly added taxa against IUCN criteria, one currently unlisted species (Hibbertia coloensis) qualifies as Critically Endangered, while a second (Bertya linearifolia) qualifies as Endangered. Discussion is also provided on six taxa where database records show them to be present within Wollemi, but are here excluded following closer examination.]]> Tue 20 Aug 2019 15:29:41 AEST ]]> Princípio 8º da declaração Mundial Sobre o Estado de Direito Ambiental: A imprescindibilidade da participação democrática no processo decisório ambiental para a concretização de um Estado de Direito Ambiental Democrático /manager/Repository/uon:34811 Tue 14 May 2019 14:39:05 AEST ]]> The influence of uncertainty on conservation assessments: Australian frogs as a case study /manager/Repository/uon:12362 Sat 24 Mar 2018 08:18:32 AEDT ]]>